The Pagan Plan

This plan works on the principle of fear.  If one does not perform to please the gods then they will intervene with displeasure by zapping one with curses. One must earn their favors with offerings that will appease them — until the next time. The gods are an ill-tempered, whimsical lot, subject to bad moods. Their subjects live in superstition and fear. They are consumed with continual offering of bribes (rituals) and sacrifices to placate the anger of the gods and obtain a few temporal blessings.

Religious works are done to escape judgement and gain favor.

The gods are of such a character that even after a person dies, rituals must be performed by the living to aid the departing spirits in soliciting further favor.


It makes for colorful history.

It has survived time.  It’s one of the oldest plans in effect today.  If age makes it right then you’re all right.

It puts the word “multi”  in multiculturalism.


This plan not only lacks Divine authority but is condemned as Satanic in the Bible. (Romans 1, I Timothy 4:1)

There is an historical precedent of utter failure. Societies that have believed such have practiced all kinds of inhumane behavior and atrocities.

Since the gods can be bought, it encourages evil with its ‘sin now – pay later plan.’  One may sin and then bring the subscribed rituals or offerings. Sin becomes cyclical, since there is always an offering that will pay for the sin and withhold punishment.

It locks one into spiritual and human bondage. One is now subject to whoever claims to interpret what the gods want (since gods don’t communicate with words). Thus a system of rules and rituals is presented with authority and people can be controlled by them.  There is no way to prove otherwise.

It perverts the logic of true love and depicts God as a cruel monster with an insatiable appetite for revenge.


This plan defines its own style of behavior and demands conformity from people by perpetuating superstition and threats as well as promises of blessings.